4th Annual "Nelly Open" Golf Outing

Saturday October 6, 2017

Gleneagles Country Club
13070 McCarthy Road Lemont, IL

8:30 AM Registration with coffee & donuts
10:00 AM Shotgun Start
Water, pop & beer on the course
18 Holes
BBQ Lunch following Golf Outing and Silent Auction/Raffle

All proceeds go towards scholarships alleviating the financial burden of rising tuition costs for families of freshman students on the Southside of Chicago.


Please select an option below to register your donation, sponsorship, or foursome.

Hole Sponsor

Name, Organization, or Company recognized on a yard sign at the Tee box of your sponsored hole.

Golf Foursome

Upon Purchase, you will be asked to input the golfers that will be attending. If you are unsure of who will be attending, please enter the name or organization that will be purchasing the foursome and we will contact you closer to the date of the outing

Individual Golfer

With an Individual Golfer Purchase, you will be assigned with a foursome of others registering to golf individually. If you wish to be paired with another individual golfer, please contact Mario LoVerde: Marioloverde@gmail.com